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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
June 14, 2011

Present: Robert Cox, Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, Colleen Honan,  Bill Lavery, Martin Margulies, Bill McCarthy, Nancy Reidy, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti,  Moira Rodgers, Michelle Rosenthal,  Paul Sirois, Peter Stern, John Trentacosta, and Janet Woycik

Absent: Dan Cruson, John Godin, and Mary Kelley

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

Consideration of Minutes: The minutes of the April meeting were
unanimously accepted. Bill Lavery moved to accept, Nancy Reidy seconded.

Public Participation: None

President’s Announcements: None.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy presented the budget statement.  It is expected that the budget will be close to zero by the end of June.

Mr. McCarthy discussed the Statement of Revenue and Disbursement of Funds Provided by the Friends of the Library.  The Library staff continue to keep close to schedule with expenditures.

Report of the Library Director: Janet Woycik’s report was distributed by email.
There were no questions.

Mrs. Woycik reported on her recent trip to the Book Expo.

All Library policies will be followed by the Library under the supervision of the Director.  Some policies will be clarified by the Personnel and Policy Committee.

Committee Reports:
Policies and Personnel: No report

Fund Raising: Report delivered by Martha Robilotti.  Small changes in the 2011 Turkey Trot were detailed.  The Board is challenged to achieve Gold Level Sponsorship through personal donations.  

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D’Agostino reported that the roof work is completed.  He will seek bids on interior work.  The Library will submit a Capital Improvement Plan Request for September 1st.  Priorities include improvements to the old roof.

Long Range Planning: No report

Friends of the Library Liaison: Peter Stern reported on the book sale, noting that several Board members had signed up to volunteer.

Art Liaison: Michelle Rosenthal reported that art displays will resume in the fall.

Historical Liaison: No report

Nominating Committee: Bob Cox submitted a report with nominations for term renewals, a slate of officers and one pending vacancy.  Bill Lavery seconded the nominations.  Voting will take place at the annual meeting.

Old Business: None

New Business : There was a discussion of the Library Director’s job description.  Policy and Personnel will continue to amend the description to better reflect the Director’s responsibilities.

There was a discussion regarding allocation of funds in the approved Library budget.  

Bill Lavery made a motion to approve all Library budgetary allocations in line with the town budget, pending adequate funding.  Martin Margulies seconded the motion.  Approval was unanimous.

John Trentacosta moved to request that Bill McCarthy review payroll records before and after budgeted salary allocations are made.  Nancy Reidy seconded the motion.  Approval was unanimous.

Move to adjourn by Bill Lavery, seconded by Nancy Reidy  

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly,
Secretary, CH Booth Library Board of Trustees